

Personal Services


Meeting to discuss social media goals

Social Media Makeover:

Give your platform a fresh new look to reflect your niche, and establish branding

For Instagram, this includes:

  • Story Highlights Icons

  • Color palette

  • Grid Layout & Mockup

  • Actionable tips to reach goals

For Facebook, this includes:

  • Updating bio section information

  • Creating a new personalized cover image

  • Providing a PNG logo to add to all posts


  • Four posts per week, including

  • Posting at personalized daily best times

  • Adding hashtags relevant to niche


Organizational Management

S.W.O.T. Analysis:

  • A detailed overview of your organizations Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

  • This service allows you to know actionable ways to improve your online presence and better attain your social media goals

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram:

  • Five original, branded posts per week, 20 a month

  • Content tailored to desired audience to increase engagement and establish an online community


Training Sessions

Each training includes a fillable handout and workshop time to work on platforms


  • Social Media 101:How to create a significant online community

  • How to Instagram:A basic, introductory course explaining how to use Instagram with purpose

  • Working Your Analytics: It's not about the likes! What numbers are important, and how to improve them

  • Social Media for Non - Profits: Create an extension of your non-profit's mission online

Additional individual consultations per member attending  also avaialable